“A man’s job is to make the world a better place to live in, so far as he is able-always remembering the results will be infinitesimal- and to attend to his own soul.”

– Leroy Percy

4 Charities X 100 Men = One Community

Giving X 100 is a men’s group built on 2 basic truths:

1) many local charities are in dire need of support from their community, and  2) there are at least 100 men in our community who would help them if they knew more about these charities’ missions. 4 times per year there will be a 60 minute long meeting, with optional “social” time at a nearby bar following.

At this meeting we will learn more about 3 local organizations, and vote on which organization can create the biggest impact on our North Texas community. We ask each member to be prepared to write out a check for $100 to the winning organization.

Giving $100 X 100 men (hence the name) turns into $10,000! $10,000 to one fortunate and deserving organization, no strings attached.



Tuesday, November 12, 2024

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Location:  Tender Smokehouse, Frisco, Texas

Why do we exist?

We connect busy, charitable, men of means to organizations in need of resources within our own community

How do we connect these men with these charities?

1. We provide an opportunity for members of the community to learn more about the great organizations that are doing important and beneficial things all around us.

2. We enable men who may find them themselves too busy to “get involved,” an opportunity to provide resources to their favorite charities in just 4 hours per year, knowing 100% of their donation goes to the organization.

3. We come together as a group to help generate a more meaningful and immediate donation to aid local charities

What do we accomplish?

As a community we identify four local charities per year that will benefit from a single donation of potentially $10,000. Through these organizations, we act locally and move towards the universal goals of society.